Over the weekend, a friend of mine expressed a lot of super-heated arguments and complaints over the recent phenomenon of "GamerGate," and I have to say, I just don't care.
I am most definitely a gamer, but I don't consider myself a part of gamer culture -- that is to say, I don't spend any time in gaming forums discussing characters or plots, nor do I really concern myself with the Internet's general opinion of games. Sure, I might check Metacritic for a rough idea of how good the game might be, and I'll certainly poll my friends, but that's about it. I don't feel the need to immerse myself in that flood of other people's opinions (plus, with a 50-60 hour per week job, I don't have the time even if I wanted to). I'm involved in games in as much as I play those I think sound good, and that's it. Occasionally I post about them here, and if you're reading about my opinions and even somewhat caring, then I thank you greatly.
My point is this: until my friend brought it up, I hadn't given this topic a single thought. According to him, here's what happened (please note that I have no idea if this is
actually what happened; I'm just reporting what I was told):
Zoe Quinn, a game developer, slept with a bunch of game reviewers in exchange for positive reviews of her most recent release. One of them got pissed when he realized she'd slept with lots of them and lashed out; she claimed they were all boyfriends, but since there were about five of them at a time, the internet does not believe her.
From there, a lot of people inside and outside the gaming community tried to 'hush' things up by deleting posts or comments in forums like Reddit. Pretty soon it started to explode and what sounds like some femi-Nazi got hold of the story. She raised a shitload of money on Kickstarter to make 6 videos critiquing the video game world, spending most of those videos calling games misogynistic and citing obscure moments as evidence, such as in Bioshock when there's a pile of naked dead bodies in the background and some happen to be women. She apparently calls this "intended to titillate men," while my friends who have played Bioshock don't even remember this moment because they were terrified by whatever else was happening in the game at that moment.
True gamers find this woman to be full of shit, not least because she admits she's not a gamer. People like David Wong, one of the head writers for Cracked.com, find this woman to be a visionary. The internet community is thus in an uproar because of all the attention she's getting, which apparently is too much bad press for a community that's already persecuted (?) and they're upset about it.
I'm sorry for any inaccuracies here; this is how my friend explained it, and I wrote it down before I did any additional research.
Frankly, I think this provides an insight into how a devoted member of the online gaming community sees the issue, as when I googled "gamergate," I got a lot of Forbes and NYTimes stuff, which is unlikely to come from within the community.
Still, and I'm hesitant to admit it, but here goes, my primary reaction is this: who cares???
Now that I've done a little research, the story doesn't seem any less ridiculous. It's still a lot of people shouting about stuff and few real points.
The starting argument seems pretty straightforward: don't trade sex for game reviews. From what I understand, no one seems really sure if that's what actually happened or not; I've read things that claim both sides. But "Don't trade sex for ANYTHING" is a generally accepted piece of advice, so regardless of what Zoe Quinn actually did, I'm sticking with that diagnosis.
That apparently set off a lot of other close-to-boiling bad blood, with a feminist charity and 4chan setting up camp together and a lot of vicious internet-anonymous name calling and personal attacking on both sides. There are even some claims of hacking Twitter and YouTube accounts, which seems unnecessary to me. What all that boiled down to is that gamers aren't sure that the media reviewers and the developers aren't in bed together (pun definitely intended!).
All of sudden then, this erupted into an overall indictment of gamer culture as misogynistic and the stereotypical gamers (fat, white nerds who are afraid of women) as dead.
Frankly, I would think that the end of gamer stereotyping is a good thing; after all, I see gamer kids get stereotyped at school on a daily basis, and I would think they'd embrace the opportunity to hang up the basement-dweller title and get laid.
Apparently not. The death of the stereotypical gamer is, according to those writing many of these articles, a point of sadness for gamers, who are thus lashing out at Zoe Quinn and this feminist charity in as direct result. Reading this, I'm pretty sure I'm missing some of the evidence being used to make that connection, but whatever.
Do gamers want to be stereotyped? That seems to be one of the suggestions I'm getting from that, and I imagine it's wrong. Who wants to be stereotyped, lumped into a one-size-fits all box and left out for others to interpret? But as I continue researching, I'm seeing that this suggestion is part of what's pissing gamers off so much.
What seems to have happened is that actual Social Justice Warriors, the kinds of people who take to Tumblr to accuse basically anything of hurting some small group (which they probably don't belong to, in my experience) in order to benefit, got hold of this topic, hence the Kickstarter videos calling all games misogynistic and adding fuel to this insane fire. Others who genuinely care about social issues, without benefiting, those who just care about others' rights and well-beings, then got lumped in with the SJWs and shot down along with them. As a result, everyone is pissed at everyone else, whether it's SJWs yelling at gamers for participating in what they see as perpetuating the issue, gamers are pissed because everyone is accusing them of something they didn't really do, and the people who want things to be better are caught in the middle.
My apathy comes in roughly when I get to this point, because both sides are right. There is misogyny in some games, no question. When the Assassin's Creed people bitched about how many extra hours it would take to make a female character, only to have one of their former developers pop up online to go, "yeah... not really..." that's an issue. Bishop tells me that a lot of Japanese games have gender-related issues as well, which I already knew since I've read the Cracked.com article about how many Japanese dating games are essentially "you are a girl dating a pidgeon" or something similarly ridiculous. So the people who want things to be better, and the SJWs who aren't just creating click bait, do have a point.
But the gamers do too, and that's this: Not every single game is like that, and not every single gamer holds the "misogynerd" title. There are plenty of gamers, guys and girls, who have issues with Grand Theft Auto's beating the shit out of hookers or the fact that Lara Croft, even in 2014, still has an anatomically impossible figure. Naturally, those gamers want to be acknowledged, not tossed into a giant melting pot of asshole as the internet has apparently done.
So if both sides have points, then what's to be done?
The answer is this: nothing. The only way to solve the issues at hand is for future game developers to try to avoid targeting women, and for the current media to shut the f*ck up about GamerGate.
At its heart, that's the bigger issue of GamerGate. On both sides, everyone is suspicious, and on both sides, they are left with the same source of information: the media. And no one trusts what information they're getting.
The media may be the most successful click-bait creators I've ever heard of -- every day, I pull up msn.com, yahoo.com, GoogleNews, and a host of other news or social media sites to the same results: small stories blown into sensational crises designed to get people to open up that page. Facebook is covered with "This started small. What happened next will (choose one: surprise, shock, warm your heart, scare, etc) you!" pages meant to get clicks. That's it. When you do click, there's only rarely legitimate content and usually just a bunch of ads and maybe 10 sentences of story.
And that's why I don't care. The media today is less about news and more about pageviews. So if this has turned into some giant mess, I know the culprit.
I understand that gamers are very upset by how they're being portrayed, and I can empathize. But ultimately, I have to ask why they care about what people outside the community think about them. One of the first things I learned about being a nerd was that not everyone gets it, and they'll offer you their negative opinions with almost no prompting. I just had to get over that; if I let it bother me, I'd sink under all the misunderstanding and hatred and BS spouted at me and my community.
Plus, I'm not that concerned because it sure sounds like most of the 'opinions' circulating are just parroting the first ones: games are misogynistic, and so are those who play them. A parrot can't think; all they can do is repeat. So if you repeat someone else's argument to me, without evidence to back it up, or any sense of your own thinking added to it, I just don't care about your opinion. The original authors don't seem to be trustworthy in this case, or really capable of finding anything other than exactly what they were looking for. A self-fulfilling prophecy isn't necessarily the truth.
Like all other issues, the argument will peter out eventually, and I'm sure it won't get resolved to anyone's satisfaction. Louis C.K. puts it best when he says, "Nobody ever wins an argument. Nobody ever goes, "oh, I'm wrong." Somebody eventually just goes, 'Shut up. We gotta eat, so let's shut up for a minute.'"
I realize that I may get some flack over this post, and quite frankly, I'd have to say that as someone both only marginally informed or invested in the topic, I don't really care. (The irony of how much I had to say over a topic I don't care about has not escaped me, never fear. :))